Communications and Marketing

The Canteen (Mensa)

Mittagspause Social Protection Campus StA 20220517 foto eric lichtenscheidt 02 fs22.jpg

Opening hours

Monday-Thursday (Sankt Augustin): 11:30 - 14:30

Friday (Sankt Augustin): 11:30 - 14:00

Monday - Friday (Rheinbach): Foodtruck

The Studierendenwerk (Student Administration Service) provides a dining hall with a café at the Sankt Augustin and Rheinbach campuses. All students of Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg can also eat in the Bonn University dining halls at student prices. Current information on opening hours as well as closures during the semester break can be found on the Studierendenwerk website.

Mensaessen (DE)

Zum aktuellen Speiseplan

mensa_studierende_colourbox1237391.jpg (DE)

Zur Mensa-App